Convergence discussion in FEM

A function defined on the domain Ω\Omega is said to have Sobolev regularity Wr,2:=HrW^{r, 2}:=H^r if all its derivatives up to the order rr belong to L2(Ω)L^2(\Omega). Specifically, this implies that

Ωkxkf(x)2<, for all kr\int_{\Omega}\left|\frac{\partial^k}{\partial x^k} f(x)\right|^2<\infty, \text { for all } k \leq r

The largest rr for which this condition is met is the Sobolev regularity of the function.

This concept can be extended to dd-variate functions by considering the partial derivatives αf\partial \alpha f, where α=(α1,,αd)\alpha=\left(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_d\right) is a tuple, and it satisfies

kαkr\sum_k \alpha_k \leq r

When we compute kxkf(x)\frac{\partial^k}{\partial x^k} f(x), we may have to deal with non-integer derivatives, there's a notion called "fractional Sobolev regularity". These derivatives can be defined using the Fourier transform.

In simple terms, the Sobolev regularity essentially describes a certain "smoothness" of a function. This concept applies not only to univariate functions but also to multivariate ones. The fractional Sobolev regularity is an extension of this idea, accounting for non-integer order derivatives.